Web Development Project

Portofolio muhamad irsyad rafi sudirjo

My portofolio

Create my own portofolio web using html and tailwind css.

Check out My Repo below for more information about the code.

Digitiket Web Apps

When I'm doing internship in Digitiket. I've been given a task to create PWA for their web apps using Vue.js as frontend javascript framework.

Check out my Digitiket Repo below for more information about the code. The code that are shown in my repo is the code before slicing into Vue apps.

Digitiket web muhamad irsyad rafi sudirjo
Illa hotel web muhamad irsyad rafi sudirjo

Illa Hotel Website

Creating Webpage for Illa hotel using HTML, Css , and Bootstrap.

Check out Illa Hotel Repo below for more information about the code.

Wordpress Web

This is my store web using Wordpress Web. I've also implementing woocommerce and midtrans payment for online shopping features in my web

Check out my web below.

wordpress web muhamad irsyad rafi sudirjo