Hello I'm Irsyad Rafi

I'm an active University student who love to code and making creative design. From little I always fascinated by computer related and dreams to work in IT and creating my own applications.

I have a big passion for


My Experience

Role : Project Management Intern
(August 2021 - Present)
Location : Kalbe Consumer Health
Job Desc : Building Web-based Learning/ E-learning System to enhance Learning & Development in Kalbe Consumer Health.

Role : Mobile Developer
(February 2021 - July 2021)
Location : Bangkit
Job Desc : I’m selected to be part of Bangkit program mobile development and to Learn the fundamental concepts and core skills to launch my career as a professional Android developer. In bangkit I learned about how to create Android Apps using Jetpack, I've also created Capstone Project for Registering Vaccination.

Role : Frontend Engineer
(January 2021 - March 2021)
Location : Digitiket
Job Desc : I've been working on creating PWA for Digitiket webservice. The tools that I've been using for this apps is Vue.js and laravel for the backend process.

Role : Frontend Web Developer
(December 2020 - January 2021)
Location : Illa Hotel Vimala Hills
Job Desc : I get contracted by Illa Hotel until December for making their website using HTML, CSS , JavaScript and Bootstrap. I also learned Vue JS .Moreover, I also designed the website using Figma.

Role : English Tutor
(August 2020 - January 2021)
Location : Binus university
Job Desc : Teaching English materials to binus university new freshman

Role : Part-Time Online Sales
(May 2020-July 2020)
Location : Villa By Illa Hotel at Vimala Hills
Job Desc : Managing Illa hotel OTA specifically traveloka for booking ,blocking , and changing price.

Android Development

I've created various android apps during Bangkit. I create this android apps using jetpack practice. If you're interested you may click the button below

Web Development

Here are My web development project.I've use various tools such as Html, css, Vue.js and also Wordpress to creating and managing website

IOS App Development

I've created some of using various API such as RAWG rest API IOS app Development

University Project

Here are My collection of university projects. One of the projects is that I create an idea for startup with the name of Securohead. click the button below for more information about Securohead

My Certificate

Below are some of my recent certificate. If you want to see more press the button below

Sertifikat made Muhamad Irsyad Rafi Sudirjo
Menjadi Android Developer Expert

This is Certificate for completion of MADE in dicoding

Sertifikat Jetpack Muhamad Irsyad Rafi Sudirjo
Belajar Fundamental Applikasi IOS

This is Certificate for completion of Fundamental of IOS application

Sertifikat tutor inggris magang Muhamad Irsyad Rafi Sudirjo
Bangkit Android Developer

This is My Certificate when I'm Graduating from Bangkit program.

Sertifikat Digitiket magang Muhamad Irsyad Rafi Sudirjo

This is My Certificate when I'm working for Digitiket in frontend engineer.